Web Series and Creative Brand |  2023
Role: Creative Director | Content Creator
First developed during the quarantine brought on by COVID-19, I kept coming up with ideas, stories, and designs but with no direction or resources to make them happen.
 I started to dream about leading a team to build a brand that could house all the awesome craziness I channel when creating.
Taking initiative to build my creative brand into something greater than just myself, I'm working to put together a small team of talented creators and artists.
For all you creative geeks, I'm posting my work and design philosophy here.
Creative Vlogs Series | April 2021
Style Guide Version 1.0 | June 2023
After many reworks I finally landed on a logo that I feel strongly about - one that encompasses my clever creativity and style.
It's a simple and fun logo - a blank canvas fox with a messy paint aesthetic (painted outside the lines!).
With a modular design, I can fill the fox up with different patterns, render him in different art styles, or even in alternate positions - as long as his overall shape and colors are present, he'll be able to change as my skills and style keep growing.​​​​​​​
Social Media Scaling
I'll be sharing my creative journey online through social media - so if you like what you see here, give me a follow and buckle-up!
Although I'm starting out small, I plan to grow my audience through posting the content that I love to see.
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