A collaboration with Mandee Kline of Mandee Media. I've joined her team as a freelance cinematographer to get new opportunities and help her business dive into the world of film production.
Cocalico Coffee Crafters |  2022  |  Mandee Media LLC
Director | Cinematographer | Editor
Rachel and her father had a dream of opening up their own coffee shop in Ephrata, PA. Although, Rachel's father passed before that dream became a reality, he would be proud of how she not only opened the shop, but runs it successfully!
Cocalico Coffee Crafters, with it's coffee beans sourced directly from Haiti, all female staff, and bright environment where Bible verses are printed on the cups, is unlike any coffee shop I've ever been to.
Rachel needed to create some press for her new coffee shop, and Mandee Media was looking to break into the world of film and video production - that's where I stepped in.
Together, Rachel, Mandee, and I set-up a fun evening shoot at Cocalico Coffee Crafters where we could focus on hearing Rachel's story and show her dream as a reality. Capturing the process of how the coffee gets crafted, exploring their unique and inviting store, and showing off their delicious food was a blast! 
Seriously, I'm not really a coffee drinker, but their beverages and food are fantastic!
Arthur C. Woods Coaching |  2023  |  Mandee Media LLC
After seeing our collaboration with Cocalico Coffee Crafters, Arthur C Woods hired Mandee and I to create a promotional piece for his business - with a focus on speaking engamghents, we wanted to capture Arthur at his best - inspiring people.
With this project, I got to go out of my comfort zone as I filmed him speaking in front of hundreds of people at the Junction Center - getting some visually great shots while capturing his core message. We also filmed a few smaller speaking engagements. 
Arthur was fantastic to work with - willing to try new things or just come up with funny jokes as we filmed him speaking. If you need a down-to-earth speaker for your next event, look no further!
Simple Funerals: The Scent of Lavender |  2023  |  Mandee Media LLC
We are excited to tease our next collaboration!
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