Short film  |  2017 - 2018  |  Wandering Studios
Role: Director and Editor
A comically dark look at loss and grief told through the perspective of a recently deceased young man trying to come to terms with being dead. He explores the existential questions that plaque mankind along with his sarcastic other-worldly guide to the afterlife.
Hired to direct this morbid but humorous look at the afterlife, I wanted to try my hand at an existential tale. The original screenplay was written by Clement Baa-Adomako. After reworking it to have more of an emotional emphasis and character arc (along with more pop-culture references) we got to filming.
Having a small budget, we had just enough to rent out a local bar for a few hours, hire a VFX makeup artist for the opening scene, and a composer for the score. 
My goal with this film was to push myself to make an emotional story injected with a bit of morbid humor while trying new things as a director and editor - from pushing the actors to elicit more emotion, including a score, and learning how to do some visual effects. I'm proud of the work my crew and I made.
Fans of Supernatural, may pick-up on a couple of the references!
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